Category: Surviving Spouse

Important Steps to take After the Passing of a Spouse

Important Steps to take After the Passing of a Spouse

The passing of a spouse is one of life’s most stressful events, topping the list of most mental health checklists for anxiety-creating experiences. There are important steps to take after the passing of a spouse. It’s important to build in answers to “what if’s” into an estate plan, advises a recent article from The Penny Hoarder, “How to Change Your Estate Plan After Your Spouse Dies.”

It’s easy to procrastinate estate planning. However, even if you have a will, as 1.3 million Americans do, you’re not finished. Regular updates of your estate plan to reflect new circumstances are necessary, especially upon the death of a spouse. It’s complicated to do this when grief is fresh. However, it becomes manageable by taking this task one step at a time.

Married couples typically create their estate plans together, with the understanding of one spouse outliving the other. Being realistic about who is likely to die first sounds a bit morbid. However, it should be taken into consideration. Males tend to have shorter lifespans, while people who live with chronic conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer, should keep the impact of their conditions in mind when making plans for the distant or not-so-distant future.

Powers of Attorney should be updated every few years. This is the person chosen to handle financial and legal affairs in case of incapacity. In most cases, this is assigned to a spouse, so it should be updated soon after the spouse passes. The power of attorney does not have to be an adult child but should be trusted, organized, and financially savvy.

Another document to be updated is the Healthcare Proxy, sometimes called a Medical Power of Attorney. An adult child living nearby, a trusted friend, or another relative needs to be named and the document executed in case you should become incapacitated. This way, someone can act on your behalf without going to court to obtain guardianship.

Wills and trusts need to be updated. With your spouse’s passing, your estate may now be vulnerable to estate taxes on the state and federal levels. Who do you want to inherit your property from, and what’s the best way to pass assets on to the next generation? An experienced estate planning attorney will be needed to make this happen most efficiently and expeditiously.

After a spouse passes, you’ll also want to review beneficiaries on life insurance, retirement accounts and any accounts with a named beneficiary. If these documents have contingency beneficiaries who receive the assets, you’ll be in good shape if the primary beneficiary has died. However, do you know for sure the accounts are structured this way? Reviewing all these accounts is surely a good idea.

It may be time for the estate to include a trust. The most significant change occurring when a spouse dies is the surviving spouse is now legally considered single. All states have laws about how much assets may be owned to qualify for Medicaid. This number is dramatically lower for a single person than for a married couple. The surviving spouse may need to put their assets into a trust to exempt some assets that would otherwise need to be spent down before qualifying for Medicaid.

This is also the time to review end-of-life documents, including a Living Will and other medical directives.

There’s no way to make the loss of a spouse easy. However, these important steps to take after the passing of a spouse will provide some peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about planning for surviving spouses, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Penny Hoarder (Sep. 5, 2024) “How to Change Your Estate Plan After Your Spouse Dies”

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The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 10

The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 8 is out now!

The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 8 is out now! We all accumulate stuff as we go through life. When someone dies, what to do with all the stuff the deceased owned can be complex and exhausting.

It can also create fights over Who Gets What. In this edition of The Estate of the Union, Brad Wiewel interviews Ann Lumley, the Director of After Life Care at Texas Trust Law. Ann has seen just about everything that can happen with an estate where stuff (otherwise known as heirlooms and collectibles) can be an issue. Ann helps dissect the problems and highlights some strategies to help avoid collisions that often occur.



In each episode of The Estate of The Union podcast, host and lawyer Brad Wiewel will give valuable insights into the confusing world of estate planning, making an often daunting subject easier to understand. It is Estate Planning Made Simple! The Estate of The Union Season 3|Episode 8 is out now! The episode can be found on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or anywhere you get your podcasts. If you would prefer to watch the video version, please visit our YouTube page. Please click on the links to listen to or watch the new installment of The Estate of The Union podcast. We hope you enjoy it.

The Estate of The Union Season |Episode 7


Texas Trust Law focuses its practice exclusively in the area of wills, probate, estate planning, asset protection, and special needs planning. Brad Wiewel is Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. We provide estate planning services, asset protection planning, business planning, and retirement exit strategies.

Estate Planning is Critical for a Single Parent

Estate Planning is Critical for a Single Parent

Raising a child or children by yourself is challenging on many levels. Single parents have very little spare time or resources. Estate planning is critical for a single parent, even more than if another parent was involved, as discussed in a recent article from The News-Enterprise, “Single parents must be deliberate in estate planning.”

Two key decisions to be made with minor children are who to name in a will as their guardian, the person who will raise them if the parent dies or is incapacitated, and who will be in charge of their finances. If another biological parent is involved in their care, things can get complicated.

Whether or not the other parent will be named as a guardian who will take custody of the child(ren) depends on whether or not they have any legal custody of the children. If the parents were married at one time but the marriage ended after the child was born, there is likely to be a separation agreement addressing custody.

If both parents share custody, the surviving parent would take custody of the child. This is standard practice, regardless of who has primary custody.

But if the parents never married and no one pursued an order of paternity or entered a custody order recognizing the legal rights of the noncustodial parent, or if a parent has lost any legal rights to the child, the parent needs to name a guardian and an alternate guardian.

Even if there is a surviving parent, you’ll want to name at least one guardian and one contingent guardian. There are instances when the noncustodial parent prefers not to become the custodial parent, even if the child’s other parent has died. There are also cases where the noncustodial parent is not fit to raise a child, so having other potential guardians named is a better idea.

Separate from the guardianship issue is the decision of who should manage the assets left for the child. You have a right to name the person of your choice to oversee these funds, regardless of whether or not the other parent is living. In most cases, there are two general options:

Conservator: This is a court-appointed person who is responsible for any assets left outside of a trust or any income received by the child. The conservator can be the same person as the guardian, but it does not have to be the same.

Trustee: A best practice in estate planning for a child is to leave the property in trust to be distributed for specific purposes, like education, health care, and general support. Assets can be left in trust through a last will and testament or through a trust set up while the parent is living to benefit the child.

Estate planning is critical for a single parent. An estate planning attorney should be consulted to determine how best to structure planning when there is only one parent. This protects the child and gives the parent peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about planning as a single parent, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The News-Enterprise (July 5, 2024) “Single parents must be deliberate in estate planning”

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Creating a Trust to Avoid Probate Nightmares

Creating a Trust to Avoid Probate Nightmares

Good estate planning ensures that your loved ones receive what you leave them without unnecessary delay or expense. However, that can go out the window when the procedure freezes your estate for months or years. Creating a trust to avoid probate nightmares can go a long way to help your loved ones once you pass.

Waiting months for probate can worsen the grief of losing a loved one. Look no further than the story of Penelope Ormerod, as told by The Guardian.

When Penelope Ormerod applied for probate on her late aunt’s estate, she expected a smooth process. Instead, she waited for seven months due to severe delays in the probate system. Recent reforms and centralization efforts had made the system more unresponsive and left her waiting. Beneficiaries, like her daughter Jessica, had dreams of funding their education on hold. This is one example of the turmoil that can ensue when your estate doesn’t avoid probate.

Trusts are powerful tools in estate planning that can prevent your family from going through similar probate ordeals. Setting up a trust means transferring your assets smoothly and quickly to your loved ones. While the traditional will process often requires probate, a trust operates outside this framework. In many cases, this saves time and reduces stress for your inheritors.

Trusts offer flexible, tailored methods for asset distribution. You can use a trust to give assets under various conditions or for specific purposes. You can establish trusts to provide your beneficiaries with lump sums or structured payouts. This ensures that beneficiaries like the Ormerod’s can avoid probate instead of waiting to receive their inheritance. Preventing delays in accessing an estate’s assets is particularly important for young families supporting minor children or ensuring that a family does not have to change their living arrangements due to court scrutiny of home ownership.

By avoiding probate, trusts can save your family stress, time and money. Probate fees and legal costs add up; setting up a trust can be a cost-effective way to pass on your assets.  Trusts can also reduce tax liabilities and get more of your money to your loved ones.

Consider creating a trust so your family can receive their inheritance when you want them to, and avoid the nightmares of a probate. If you want to get started, contact an estate planning attorney. They’ll guide you through the options and help you ensure that your loved ones get what you leave them.

Key Takeaways:

Avoid Probate Delays: Trusts can bypass the lengthy and stressful probate process. As a result, your beneficiaries will receive assets sooner and without undue stress.

Flexible Distribution Options: Trusts provide various ways to distribute assets. Choose from lump sums, structured payouts and other options that best serve your loved ones.

Cost and Time Efficiency: Trustees can save on legal fees and court costs by avoiding probate through a trust. Trusts may also reduce tax liability for your beneficiaries.

Secure Your Legacy: Setting up a trust with the help of an estate planning attorney helps safeguard your wishes when you’re gone.

If you would like to learn more about probate, and how to avoid it, please visit our previous posts.

References: The Guardian (May 2, 2021) “Grieving relatives despair at months of waiting for probate”

SmartAsset (August 25, 2023) “How Does a Beneficiary Get Money From a Trust?

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Bypass Trust is a pivotal Estate Planning Tool

Bypass Trust is a pivotal Estate Planning Tool

A bypass trust, also known as a credit shelter trust or B trust, is a pivotal estate planning tool. It’s designed to help minimize estate taxes and ensure that a larger portion of your assets reaches your intended beneficiaries. A bypass trust works by allowing a surviving spouse to benefit from the trust assets during their lifetime, while preserving the trust principal for the next generation.

One of the primary benefits of a bypass trust is its ability to shield assets from estate taxes. This trust type strategically utilizes the federal estate tax exemption, allowing couples to effectively double the amount exempted from estate taxes. When one spouse passes away, the assets up to the estate tax exemption amount can be transferred into the bypass trust, thus reducing the taxable estate of the surviving spouse.

In the bypass trust arrangement, the trust is split into two separate trusts when the first spouse dies. The survivor’s trust is revocable and contains the surviving spouse’s share of the estate, while the deceased spouse’s share is transferred into the bypass trust, which becomes irrevocable. This separation allows for efficient estate tax management.

The surviving spouse plays a crucial role in a bypass trust. They have access to the trust income and, in some cases, the principal for certain needs. However, the trust assets remain in the trust and are not considered part of the surviving spouse’s estate, thus avoiding estate taxes upon their death.

Selecting a trustee for a bypass trust is an essential decision. The trustee manages the trust assets and ensures that they are used according to the terms of the trust. It’s essential to choose someone who is trustworthy and understands the financial and legal responsibilities involved.

Setting up a bypass trust requires careful planning and drafting by an experienced estate planning attorney. The trust document must outline the terms of the trust, including how the assets will be managed and distributed. This process also involves making decisions about beneficiaries and trustees.

Bypass trusts are closely tied to tax law, particularly federal estate tax laws. How a bypass trust is structured can significantly impact the estate taxes owed. Understanding current tax laws and how they affect your estate plan is crucial.

A bypass trust is most beneficial for couples with substantial assets that exceed the federal estate tax exemption amount. It’s an effective way to reduce estate taxes and ensure that more of your estate goes to your beneficiaries rather than to tax payments.

The landscape of estate planning and tax law is constantly evolving. It’s important to stay informed about changes in the law and how they may impact your estate plan. A bypass trust remains a relevant and pivotal tool in many estate planning strategies.

If you’re considering a bypass trust as part of your estate plan, consulting with an experienced estate planning attorney is essential. They can help you understand if a bypass trust is the right option for your situation and guide you through the process of setting one up. If you would like to learn more about bypass trusts and estate taxes, please visit our previous posts. 

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Uncovering a Life Insurance Policy for a Deceased Loved One

When and How to get Letters of Testamentary

The executor manages assets until the probate process is complete. They also need proof of their authority to do so. The court-issued Letter of Testamentary provides evidence of their authority and explains a recent article from Forbes, What Is A Letter Of Testamentary?” The article details how this document works and when and how to get Letters of Testamentary.

A decedent’s last will and testament names their executor, who will manage their estate. Their duties include filing probate paperwork with the court, notifying potential heirs and creditors of the probate process and managing assets, including paying bills from the estate’s bank account. The executor is also the one to set up the estate’s bank account. When the estate is nearly completed, assets are distributed to beneficiaries.

Third parties need to know who the executor is. The executor also needs proof of their authority to carry out their job tasks. The letter is a simple document issued by the probate court and typically includes the following information:

  • The court issuing the letter.
  • The name and contact details of the executor (also referred to as a “personal representative” of the estate).
  • That the personal representative was named in the will of the decedent
  • The date the executor was granted authority to manage the decedent’s estate.

What is the difference between a Letter of Testamentary and a Letter of Administration? A letter of administration can be used during the probate process. However, it serves a different process. The court uses the letter of administration if a person dies without having named a personal representative or executor. The court appoints a person to manage the estate and probate process, and the court then creates a Letter of Administration giving this individual the authority to act.

There is no guarantee or requirement for the court to appoint a family member to serve in this role. This is another reason why having a will that names an executor is essential if the family wishes to be involved in settling the estate.

What if there is no will? Without a will, there is no executor. Someone is still needed to manage the decedent’s assets and take care of the steps in probate. A surviving family member or loved one may open a probate case after death, even when there is no will. This involves filing court documents and attending a hearing. The court will then appoint an administrator, determining who has the desire and ability to serve in the role.

What about assets held in trust? If assets have been placed in a trust, a trustee has been named and is in charge of following the trust’s directions. There is no probate court involvement, which is why so many opt to place their assets in a trust as part of their estate plan. The trust becomes the legal owner of the assets once they are placed in the trust. The trust creator often acts as the trustee during their lifetime and names a successor trustee who takes over in case of incapacity or death. That person has the authority to manage the trust assets and transfer them through the trust administration process without any involvement from the court.

However, if assets were not placed in the trust, they must go through the probate process, and an executor or personal representative will need a letter to manage them.

If you have lost a loved one, or are choosing an executor, ensure you have a complete understanding of when and how to get letters of testamentary. Work with an experienced estate planning attorney familiar with your state’s laws and the court process of probate. If you are interested in learning more about probate, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Forbes (Jan. 17, 2024) “What Is A Letter Of Testamentary?”

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Marital Trusts Help Protect Blended Families

Marital Trusts help protect Blended Families

Marital trusts help protect blended families from complicated family dynamics. Understanding marital trusts is crucial for couples looking to secure their financial future and provide for the surviving spouse tax-efficiently. This article is a guide to marital trusts, how they work and their advantages and disadvantages. With the potential to safeguard assets and ensure that they reach the intended beneficiaries, marital trusts can be an effective part of a comprehensive estate plan, particularly for those in a second marriage or a blended family.

What Is a Marital Trust?

A marital trust is a type of irrevocable trust and is crafted to benefit the surviving spouse. It allows for the managed distribution of assets, potentially safeguarding against financial imprudence or external influences.

Consider that while many couples are just fine with everything going to the surviving spouse directly and outright after one spouse dies, in some cases, there may be concerns related to the surviving spouse not being able to manage the money effectively. What would happen to the money if the surviving spouse is not good with money or is vulnerable to financial predators? Perhaps giving the entire estate outright to the spouse would run the risk that all of the money would be spent irresponsibly. A marital trust allows for both tax benefits and protections for the couple’s estate to prevent these issues from happening.

How Do Marital Trusts Work?

There are three parties involved in setting up, maintaining and ultimately passing along the trust, including a grantor, who is the person who establishes the trust; the trustee, who’s the person or organization that manages the trust and its assets; and the beneficiary. That person will eventually receive the assets in the trust once the grantor dies. The surviving spouse must be the sole beneficiary of a marital trust. Once the surviving spouse dies, the assets in the trust typically pass to surviving children. A marital trust also involves the principal, which are assets initially put into the trust.

How Do Marital Trusts Assist Blended Families?

For blended families, using a marital trust is becoming more popular as a means to help protect assets to a surviving spouse, and the inheritance of children from previous marriages. If one or both spouses in a second marriage have children from a prior marriage, both spouses typically want to ensure that their kids get an inheritance at some point in the future. While most married couples prioritize their spouse as the primary beneficiary, after the surviving spouse passes away, if the couple’s estate plan gives everything directly to the surviving spouse, that arrangement would run the risk that the children from a prior marriage of the deceased spouse would be cut off from receiving an inheritance.

While couples want to assume that a surviving spouse will protect the rights of children from their spouse’s previous marriage, without legal safeguards, the estate of the surviving spouse can be changed to cut out individuals named as beneficiaries after their spouse’s death. Having a marital trust for the surviving spouse ensures that this change can’t happen.

What Are Other Situations in Which a Couple Should Consider Using a Marital Trust?

Additional situations in which a couple might consider using a marital trust include wanting to prevent undue influence of an outside person or party over the surviving spouse. This usually is a concern for older couples when the surviving spouse is in declining health or may have early onset of dementia, and there’s a concern they may be vulnerable to being taken advantage of financially. Another motivation for a marital trust includes a spouse who has an addiction that prevents them from making sound financial choices.

Did Actor Tony Curtis Disinherit His Children Due to Undue Influence?

In 2010, when Actor Tony Curtis died, his five children were left out of their father’s inheritance in a last-minute decision shortly before his death, notes MoneyWise article, “Hollywood legend Tony Curtis cut his kids out of his will and $60 million fortune when he died. Here’s how to avoid leaving behind messy inheritance disputes.” While Curtis did have a will, he decided to leave the majority of his assets to his fifth wife, Jill, and intentionally disinherit his children. The change to his estate plan came only a few months before his death, which raised suspicions within the family. Some of the Curtis children opened estate disputes in the years following his death to challenge the disinheritance, causing additional pain and separation within their family. If Curtis were subject to the undue influence of his fifth wife, Jill, as some of the Curtis children claimed, then a trust could have protected them from being disinherited.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Marital Trust?

  • Marital trusts are significant in estate planning for high-net-worth individuals, serving as a tool to minimize the estate tax burden by taking advantage of estate tax exemptions. A married couple can significantly reduce or eliminate estate taxes by utilizing a marital trust.
  • The surviving spouse can receive income and financial stability from the trust.
  • Assets are kept in the family, and the inheritance intended for children from previous marriages is protected.

Estate Tax Exemptions with a Marital Trust

One of the most significant benefits of a marital trust is its impact on estate taxes. A marital trust effectively doubles the estate tax exemption for a married couple, ensuring that a more significant portion of their wealth can be transferred tax-free. In the context of the federal estate tax, this can result in substantial tax savings and financial security for the surviving spouse and any other designated beneficiaries.

The Unlimited Marital Deduction in Action

The unlimited marital deduction is a cornerstone of marital trust planning. It allows the first spouse to pass assets to the surviving spouse without incurring estate taxes at the time of the first spouse’s death. This deduction is a critical aspect of marital trusts, ensuring that the income to the surviving spouse provides the necessary financial support without an immediate tax burden.

Are There Disadvantages of Using a Marital Trust?

While a marital trust offers many benefits, it’s essential to consider any limitations or drawbacks, such as loss of flexibility once established.

  • Once established, an irrevocable trust cannot be easily altered or terminated.
  • Estate tax exemption is limited based on the federal estate tax threshold.
  • Marital trusts, like other types of trusts, require that assets be moved into the trust, a process that can be lengthy or overlooked.

Establishing a Marital Trust with an Experienced Estate Planning Attorney

Setting up a marital trust is a complicated form of estate planning that involves several steps, including choosing a trustee to manage the trust assets, determining the terms under which the trust assets will be managed and distributed and ensuring that the couple’s property is held in trust. When couples have complex family situations, including blended families or a spouse with vulnerabilities, a marital trust provides for the financial well-being of the surviving spouse. It also ensures that assets are preserved for future generations.

An experienced estate planning attorney can help a couple assess if a marital trust is the right instrument to help protect their blended family as a part of a comprehensive estate plan. If you would like to learn more about planning for blended families, please visit our previous posts. 

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Beware of Social Security Scams using AI

Beware of Social Security Scams using AI

Beware of Social Security scams using AI. Seniors now need to be extra careful about Social Security scams since fraudsters have embraced AI (Artificial Intelligence) to manipulate people into revealing secure information, says a recent article from U.S. News & World Report, “AI and the Risks of Social Security Fraud.” The schemes are sophisticated and appear entirely legitimate, making them harder to discern from real messages from the Social Security Administration.

The Office of the Inspector General recently launched a task force to investigate the use of AI and deter AI-related Social Security scams. The OIG recognizes the risk of criminals using AI to make their schemes easier and faster to execute and the deceptions more credible and realistic.

You’ll want to know about AI risks if you receive Social Security benefits. Here are some guidelines to keep both your identity and finances safe.

Criminals commonly use robocalls or chatbots. The messages sound as if they come from legitimate government representatives and trick seniors into disclosing personal information or even making fraudulent payments using voice synthesis and natural language processing. This can also happen on a website, with an AI-generated video of the U.S. president or an official with the Social Security Administration announcing a new Social Security benefit and encouraging retirees to sign up by following a link on the video. The link takes the user to a fraudulent website, where they are asked to provide essential information, including their Social Security number and other details. Once the information is provided, thieves can re-route the monthly benefit to an unauthorized account.

Be wary if you receive an email from a source you don’t recognize. Don’t respond to text messages from people or organizations you don’t know. If you receive a suspicious phone call, hang up. If someone claims to be calling from Social Security, hang up, call the local Social Security office yourself, and explain what happened.

If you haven’t already, set up a my Social Security account online at That’s where you’ll indicate the bank account to receive your benefit, and you can tell SSA not to change it unless you appear in person at the local SSA office.

The SSA doesn’t initiate contact with recipients by email, text, or phone. Anyone saying they are from the SSA using these methods is a scammer. Even if your phone displays the call is coming from the SSA, know that it’s very easy for criminals to manipulate caller ID to make the call appear to come from whomever and whatever number they want.

Thieves now use digital technology to trick seniors into revealing personal information. As technology changes, so do the means of stealing. Beware of Social Security scams using AI. Stay current on common scams and protect your retirement benefits and finances from AI-driven fraud. If you would like to learn more about social security benefits, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: U.S. News & World Report (Sep. 29, 2023) “AI and the Risks of Social Security Fraud”

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Avoid Pitfalls when Transferring Property to Heirs

Avoid Pitfalls when Transferring Property to Heirs

It is not difficult to ensure the smooth transfer of ownership of your property to a spouse, children, or other heirs, as long as you have an estate plan created by an experienced estate planning attorney and know what pitfalls to avoid. Most importantly, you want to avoid these pitfalls when transferring property to heirs, says the article “I’m a Financial Planner: Here Are 5 Mistakes You Must Avoid When Transferring Property to Heirs” from GoBankingRates.  If you die without a will, your state’s intestate succession or next-of-kin laws will determine who inherits your house if yours was the only name on the deed.

Next-of-kin succession varies by state, but for the most part, the priority order is first the surviving spouse, biological and adopted children, parents, and siblings, followed by grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and extended family members.

You’ll want to know how your state treats intestate property to avoid unwanted surprises for your family. For instance, in some states, full siblings are prioritized over half-siblings, while in other states, they are treated equally.

The biggest mistake is dying without a will and an updated deed. In some states, the property will need to go through probate if the surviving heir is not in co-ownership of the house, regardless of what’s stated in the will.

The solution is simple. Add an adult child or the person you intend to be your executor to the property’s deed via a warranty or quit claim deed. This prevents the family home from going through probate and seamlessly transfers to the individual you want to handle your estate after you’ve passed. In particular, this should be done once one spouse in a joint-owning couple dies.

There are four general types of property ownership. The legal system treats them all differently. They are property with the right of survivorship, property held in a trust, property subject to a will and property for which the spouse does not have a will.

If two spouses purchase and jointly own a property, the right of survivorship dictates that the surviving spouse automatically receives the decedent’s half and becomes the sole owner. This is the simplest and easiest outcome, since it avoids probate and the need to alter the deed. However, it’s not always the case.

A surviving spouse might need to change their deed if a partner dies and the deed didn’t automatically transfer property after death. If only one spouse was on the deed, they may have to go through probate (if there was a will) to transfer the home into the surviving spouse’s name. The spouse may need to file a survivorship affidavit and a copy of the death certificate to ensure that the title is properly in their name.

Should you transfer property while you’re still living? It may solve some problems but create others. If a primary residence is transferred to an adult child and they sell it not as their primary residence, it could lead to a large capital gains tax bill. However, if the child inherits the property after your death, the heir will enjoy a stepped-up tax basis and avoids capital gains taxation.

Before taking any steps to arrange for the transfer of the home after passing, talk with the person or people to make sure they want it and the responsibilities associated with owning a home. This is especially true if there’s more than one heir with different opinions.

If children don’t get along or are in different financial positions, leaving one property for all of them to manage together could lead to family fights. Talk with them before putting your wishes into your estate plan to avoid unnecessary resentment and, in the worst case, litigation. Working with an estate planning attorney can help you avoid these pitfalls when transferring property to heirs. If you would like to learn more about property management in your estate plan, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: GoBankingRates (July 26, 2023) “I’m a Financial Planner: Here Are 5 Mistakes You Must Avoid When Transferring Property to Heirs”

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Irrevocable Funeral Trust helps Families with expenses

Irrevocable Funeral Trust helps Families with expenses

Yahoo Finance’s recent article, “Pros and Cons of an Irrevocable Funeral Trust,” explains that an irrevocable funeral trust is a legal entity that helps families with end-of-life costs, such as funeral and burial expenses.

With this trust, you’re establishing a formal trust fund, a separate legal entity that owns the money you contributed to it. The purpose is to hold your money until you die. It then releases the funds to pay for your funeral, burial and other end-of-life expenses.

As with all trust funds, the trust has a trustee who manages its money. Here, the trustee is determined by an insurance company or funeral services company through which you set up the trust. It will usually hold as its single asset a life insurance policy that you’ve purchased.

The trust fund owns this life insurance policy and is named as the sole beneficiary. When you die, the fund collects the policy’s payment and uses this money to pay for your end-of-life costs.

A funeral trust may also name a specific funeral home as the trust’s beneficiary. For example, a given funeral home may agree to a fixed price for a funeral and burial.

When you die, the trust pays out its funds to the funeral home to cover the costs of your funeral, burial and any associated services.

As with most trusts, you can establish both revocable and irrevocable funeral trusts.

With a revocable funeral trust, you maintain ownership and control of the money and can withdraw it anytime.

However, with an irrevocable funeral trust, you no longer own the money, so you can’t withdraw it.

While an irrevocable funeral trust helps families pay for potentially expensive end-of-life expenses, it locks up your money for good and can’t be amended. If you would like to learn more about funeral planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Yahoo Finance (April 29, 2023) “Pros and Cons of an Irrevocable Funeral Trust”

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Information in our blogs is very general in nature and should not be acted upon without first consulting with an attorney. Please feel free to contact Texas Trust Law to schedule a complimentary consultation.
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