Video Learning Center

We have hundreds of educational videos on a variety of estate planning subjects in our Video Learning Center.

Estate Planning Videos

Probate & Trust Admin Videos

Blended Families Videos

Special Needs Trusts Videos

Asset Protection Videos

Elder Law Videos

Question and Answer with Attorney Brad Wiewel

Texas Trust Law in the News

What We Do

In addition to the drafting of wills, trusts, family limited partnerships, limited liability companies and life insurance trusts, we often help clients prepare for un-planned possibilities like debilitating health problems, or disabling injuries. It is our objective to maximize the control you and your loved ones will have at critical times regarding healthcare decisions and asset management, while minimizing the need for court intervention. Using a time tested skill-set of proven legal techniques we guide our clients through complexities which might otherwise seem overwhelming.

To make certain our clients are well protected, we often offer to keep vital documents up-to-date, help our clients avoid problems sometimes associated with probate, avoid unnecessary taxes, and aid them in constructing strategies and trusts to insure their families are provided for in difficult times. In the event of a death, we are ready to skillfully and sensitively assist clients in handling their loved one’s estate whether it be through the probate process or the administration of their trust. In all that we do, we intend to provide a level of quality which exceeds our clients’ expectations in every way. This is why we call our law firm The Peace of Mind People®.