Special Needs Estate Planning

Austin Texas Estate Planning

Special Needs Estate Planning focuses on providing for the special needs of our loved ones with disabilities when we are no longer there to organize and advocate on their behalf. Parents of children with special needs must make careful estate planning choices to coordinate all of the legal, financial, and special care needs of their children – both now and in the future.

Special people need special planning. Many families struggle with the best way to provide for a child or other loved one who, due to a physical or mental challenge, will never be in a position to effectively manage an inheritance. In addition, without proper planning, certain government benefits and supplements may be unavailable or much more difficult to obtain.

At Texas Trust Law we give extra special attention to families that are struggling with these issues. A properly crafted estate plan which incorporates Special Needs Planning can provide a lifetime of assistance for the special person and ensure that all of the benefits provided by outside sources are fully accessible. Our clients enjoy a substantially heightened sense of peace of mind after this planning is put into place.

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