Category: 401(k)

Understanding Primary and Contingent Beneficiaries is essential for Estate Planning

Understanding Primary and Contingent Beneficiaries is essential for Estate Planning

Creating an estate plan is the most important way to ensure that your wishes will go into effect after you pass away. During estate planning, you’ll have to designate beneficiaries. Understanding the difference between primary and contingent beneficiaries is essential for estate planning. Knowing this distinction can make your estate plan more comprehensive and effective, giving you peace of mind that your loved ones will be okay when you’re gone.

A primary beneficiary is the person or entity you choose to receive your assets first when you pass away. This could be a spouse, a child, a friend, or even a charity. When you set up a will, trust, or other financial accounts, like life insurance or retirement, you’ll be asked to name one or more primary beneficiaries.

You might name your spouse as the primary beneficiary if you have a life insurance policy. If you pass away, your spouse will receive the payout directly.

Choosing a primary beneficiary ensures that your assets go to the person or organization you want them to benefit. It can also help avoid conflicts among family members and ensure a smooth transfer of assets. You minimize the chances of disputes and legal challenges by clearly designating who should receive your assets.

Life is unpredictable, and there might be situations where your primary beneficiary cannot receive your assets. They might predecease you, be unable to be located, or simply refuse the inheritance. This is where a contingent beneficiary comes into play.

A contingent beneficiary, or secondary beneficiary, is essentially a backup beneficiary. The contingent beneficiary is next in line if the primary beneficiary cannot receive the assets. For instance, if your spouse is the primary beneficiary and they pass away before you, your contingent beneficiary will receive the assets instead.

According to ElderLawAnswers, naming a contingent beneficiary is essential in estate planning. A contingent beneficiary is designated to receive your assets if your primary beneficiary cannot do so.

This additional layer of planning provides security and peace of mind, guaranteeing that your assets are passed on as you intended, regardless of any unexpected events involving your primary beneficiary. Your wishes will remain clear even in unforeseen circumstances, and your estate plan will carry them out.

Yes, you can designate multiple primary and contingent beneficiaries. This is particularly useful if you have a large estate or multiple heirs. For example, you might want to divide your estate equally among your children. In this case, you can name all your children as primary beneficiaries, each receiving a specified percentage of your assets.

When you have multiple primary beneficiaries, your assets are divided according to the percentages you specify. If one of the primary beneficiaries cannot receive their share, their portion can be reallocated to the remaining primary beneficiaries or passed on to the contingent beneficiaries.

You can similarly have multiple contingent beneficiaries. For example, you might name your spouse as the primary beneficiary and your two children as contingent beneficiaries. If your spouse cannot receive the assets, your children would then receive the assets consistent with your instructions.

While beneficiaries are individuals you choose to receive your assets, heirs-at-law are entitled to inherit from you under state law if you don’t have a will. Without an estate plan, state intestacy laws will distribute your assets. This usually goes to your closest relatives, such as your spouse and children. Designating primary and contingent beneficiaries allows you to control who receives your assets rather than leaving it to state law.

Life circumstances change, and so should your estate plan. Major life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or the death of a beneficiary may require updates to your beneficiaries. Regularly reviewing and updating your estate plan ensures that it remains aligned with your current wishes and life situation.

Understanding the roles of primary and contingent beneficiaries is essential for robust estate planning. It ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, even in unexpected circumstances.

An experienced estate planning attorney can help you designate beneficiaries, create a comprehensive estate plan and provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones. If you would like to learn more about beneficiaries and their role in estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: ElderLawAnswers (May 20, 2024) “What Is a Contingent Beneficiary?

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Key Estate Planning Strategies for Executives

Key Estate Planning Strategies for Executives

Executives manage complex financial landscapes while striving for professional success, creating unique estate planning goals and challenges. Central Trust Company shared insights in the article “Estate Planning For Executives,” which focused on liquidity concerns, tax efficiency and beneficiaries for certain assets. This article explores key estate planning strategies for executive’s unique goals.

Executives often face liquidity challenges and may have a significant portion of their wealth tied up in company stock. Diversifying investments and implementing strategies to manage concentrated stock positions are critical to mitigate risk and enhance financial security.

Navigating tax-efficient giving strategies is essential for executives looking to give back to their communities or support charitable causes. Estate planning considerations, including lifetime gifts and the transfer of vested stock options, play a crucial role in preserving wealth and minimizing tax liabilities.

Transitioning from a successful career to retirement can be exciting and daunting for executives. Planning for retirement involves forecasting complex benefits, managing investment portfolios and ensuring a smooth transition from the accumulation phase to the distribution phase of their financial life.

Comprehensive estate planning for executives includes strategies that address their income tax bracket, estate tax rates and various types of investments. Strategies such as wills, trusts, powers of attorney (POAs) and advance directives are central to protecting an executive’s assets and support building wealth.

A knowledgeable and experienced estate planning attorney is central to a holistic plan that meets an executive’s goals, including:

  • Reducing taxes and taxable estate values.
  • Transferring stock options and other nuanced investments to heirs.
  • Preserving or building their wealth.

Key Estate Planning Strategies For Executives:

  • Address Unique Challenges: Consider liquidity, stock options, estate taxes and beneficiaries.
  • Maximize Tax-Efficiency: Explore tax-efficient strategies to preserve wealth.
  • Build a Comprehensive Plan: Include wills, trusts, and POAs to address diverse financial needs and goals.
  • Define Personal Objectives: Define personal philosophies and objectives to create a comprehensive plan that aligns with your vision for the future.

Given the complexities of their careers and wealth management needs, executives face unique financial and estate planning challenges. Addressing key concerns and defining personal objectives helps executives secure a financial future for themselves and their families. If you would like to learn more about estate planning for wealthy couples and families, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference:  Central Trust Company (July 19, 2023) “Estate Planning For Executives”

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Integrating Retirement Accounts into your Estate Plan

Integrating Retirement Accounts into your Estate Plan

Retirement accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k)s, play a pivotal role in many estate plans. They are not just savings vehicles for retirement; they are also crucial assets that can be passed on to beneficiaries. An effective estate plan should integrate retirement accounts seamlessly, supporting your overall retirement and estate objectives.

When incorporating retirement accounts into an estate plan, it’s essential to understand the tax implications and the rules governing beneficiary designations. These factors can significantly impact how your retirement assets are distributed and taxed upon your death. Retirement accounts are subject to income tax and, in some cases, estate tax.

Retirement accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k)s, typically bypass the probate process, as they are transferred directly to the named beneficiaries. This direct transfer can simplify the estate settlement process and provide quicker access to funds for your beneficiaries. It’s important to understand that while retirement accounts may avoid probate, they are still part of your overall estate for tax purposes. Proper planning can help ensure that your retirement assets are distributed efficiently and tax-advantaged.

Roth IRAs are unique retirement accounts that offer tax-free growth and withdrawals. They can be a valuable tool in estate planning, particularly for those looking to leave tax-free assets to their beneficiaries. Unlike traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs do not require minimum distributions during the account owner’s lifetime, allowing the assets to grow tax-free for a longer period.

When including Roth IRAs in your estate plan, consider the potential tax benefits for your beneficiaries. Since distributions from Roth IRAs are generally tax-free, they can provide a significant financial advantage to your heirs. Tax-deferred retirement accounts, like traditional IRAs and 401(k)s, allow contributions to grow tax-free until withdrawal. This feature can lead to significant tax savings over time. However, it’s essential to consider the tax implications for your beneficiaries.

Beneficiary designations are a critical aspect of retirement planning. These designations determine who will inherit your retirement accounts upon your death. It’s crucial to regularly review and update your beneficiary designations to ensure that they align with your current estate plan and wishes. Failure to update beneficiary designations can lead to unintended consequences, such as an ex-spouse or a deceased individual being named as the beneficiary. Beneficiaries are generally subject to income tax on the distributions upon inheriting a tax-deferred retirement account. Planning for these tax implications is crucial in ensuring that your beneficiaries are not burdened with unexpected taxes.

Retirement assets are considered part of your estate and can impact your overall estate value and tax liability. Properly integrating retirement accounts into your estate plan can help achieve a balanced and tax-efficient distribution of your entire estate. This includes considering the impact on federal and state estate taxes and the income tax implications for your beneficiaries.

In conclusion, integrating retirement accounts into your estate plan is a complex but essential task. Understanding the nuances of how these accounts work in the context of estate and tax planning can ensure that your financial legacy is preserved and passed on according to your wishes. Consultation with financial and legal professionals is key to navigating this intricate aspect of estate planning effectively. If you would like to learn more about retirement accounts, please visit our previous posts. 

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Review Beneficiary Designations after Life Changes

Review Beneficiary Designations after Life Changes

Beneficiary designations guarantee that certain assets are transferred efficiently at a person’s passing. Assets with designated beneficiaries transfer automatically to the named beneficiary, no matter what’s in the original asset owner’s will or trust document instructions. It is vital that you review beneficiary designations after major life changes, such as a marriage, birth or death.

Inside Indiana Business’s recent article, “Who are your beneficiaries?” explains that because the new owner is determined without the guidance of a will document, assets with designated beneficiaries are excluded from the decedent’s probate estate. The fewer assets subject to probate, the less cost and time associated with settling the estate.

Many different types of assets transfer via beneficiary designation at the death of the original owner. These include retirement accounts (IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 457(b)s, pensions, etc.), life insurance death benefits and the residual value of annuities. Bank and brokerage accounts can also be made payable on death (POD) or transferable on death (TOD) to a named beneficiary, if desired. POD and TOD designations bypass probate–like beneficiary designations.

The owners can name both primary and contingent beneficiaries. The primary beneficiary is the first in line to inherit the asset. However, if the primary beneficiary predeceases the owner, the contingent beneficiary becomes the new owner. If there’s no contingent beneficiary listed, the asset transfers to the owner’s estate for distribution. There’s no restriction on the number of beneficiaries who can inherit an asset.

Charities can also be beneficiaries of assets. Because a charity doesn’t pay income tax, leaving a taxable retirement account or annuity to a charity will let 100% of the value go toward the charity’s mission. When an individual inherits, income tax may be due when the funds are distributed.

A trust can also be named beneficiary of an asset. This strategy is often employed when minors or those with disabilities are beneficiaries. Designating a trust as a beneficiary can be complex, so do so with the advice of an experienced estate planning attorney.

Simply naming an estate as a beneficiary is typically not a good strategy because this will subject the asset to probate, which can result in unfavorable income tax outcomes for retirement accounts.

When no beneficiaries are named, the owner’s estate will likely become the default, which leads to probate.

Take time to review your current beneficiary designations to be sure they reflect current wishes. Review these beneficiary designations every five years or after major life changes (marriage, birth, divorce, death).

Whenever you name or change a beneficiary, verify that the account custodian or insurance company correctly recorded the information because errors are problematic, if not impossible, to correct after your death. If you would like to learn more about beneficiaries, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Inside Indiana Business (June 5, 2023) “Who are your beneficiaries?”

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‘When’ play Major role in Retirement

‘When’ play Major role in Retirement

When do you plan to retire? When will you take Social Security? When must you start withdrawing money from your retirement savings? “When” plays a major role in retirement, says Kiplinger’s recent article entitled, “In Retirement, Many Crucial Questions Start With the Word ‘When’.” That’s because so many financial decisions related to retirement are much more dependent on timing than on the long-term performance of an investment.

Too many people approaching retirement — or are already there — don’t adjust how they think about investing to account for timing’s critical role. “When” plays a major role in the new strategy. Let’s look at a few reasons why:

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). Many people use traditional IRAs or 401(k) accounts to save for retirement. These are tax-deferred accounts, meaning you don’t pay taxes on the income you put into the accounts each year. However, you’ll pay income tax when you begin withdrawing money in retirement. When you reach age 73, the federal government requires you to withdraw a certain percentage each year, whether you need the money or not. A way to avoid RMDs is to start converting your tax-deferred accounts to a Roth account way before you reach 73. You pay taxes when you make the conversion. However, your money then grows tax-free, and there is no requirement about how much you withdraw or when.

Using Different Types of Assets. In retirement, your focus needs to be on how to best use your assets, not just how they’re invested. For example, one option might be to save the Roth for last, so that it has more time to grow tax-free money for you. However, in determining what order you should tap your retirement funds, much of your decision depends on your situation.

Claiming Social Security. On average, Social Security makes up 30% of a retiree’s income. When you claim your Social Security affects how big those monthly checks are. You can start drawing money from Social Security as early as age 62. However, your rate is reduced for the rest of your life. If you delay until your full retirement age, there’s no limit to how much you can make. If you wait to claim your benefit past your full retirement age, your benefit will continue to grow until you hit 70.

Wealth Transfer. If you plan to leave something to your heirs and want to limit their taxes on that inheritance as much as possible, then “when” can come into play again. For instance, using the annual gift tax exclusion, you could give your beneficiaries some of their inheritance before you die. In 2023, you can give up to $17,000 to each individual without the gift being taxable. A married couple can give $17,000 each.

Take the time to discuss your retirement goals with your estate planning attorney. He or she will help you understand how the “when” in your planning plays a major role in retirement. If you would like to learn more about retirement planning, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Kiplinger (March 15, 2023) “In Retirement, Many Crucial Questions Start With the Word ‘When’”

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Steps Seniors should take before Remarrying

Steps Seniors should take before Remarrying

Seniors in particular think about remarrying with an understandable degree of concern. Maybe your last relationship ended in a divorce, or there’ve been too many dating disasters. However, according to a recent article from MSN, “Planning to remarry after a divorce? 6 tips to protect your financial future,” there are some steps seniors should take before remarrying to make relationships easier to navigate and protect your financial future.

Not all of them are easy, but all are worthwhile.

No marrying without a prenup. Who wants to think about divorce when they’re head-over-heels in love and planning a wedding? No one. However, think of a prenup as about the start, not the end. It clarifies many issues: full financial clarity, financial expectations and clear details on what would happen in the worst case scenario. Getting all this out in the open before you say “I do” makes it much easier for the new couple to go forward.

Trust…but verify. Estate planning ensures that assets pass as you want. A revocable living trust set up during your lifetime can be used to ensure your assets pass to your offspring. Unlike a will, the provisions of a revocable trust are effective not just when you die but in the event of incapacity. A living trust can provide for the trust creator and their children during any period of incapacity prior to death. At death, the trust ensures that beneficiaries receive assets without going through probate.

Consider life insurance. Life insurance, possibly held in an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT), which allows proceeds to pass tax-free, can be used to provide funds for a surviving spouse or children from a prior marriage. Make sure to review all insurance policies, including life, property and casualty and umbrella insurance to be sure you have the correct coverage in place, insurance policies are titled correctly and premiums continue to be paid.

Estate planning. While you are planning to remarry is a good time to check on account titles, beneficiary designations and powers of attorney. Couples should review their estate plans to be sure planning reflects current wishes. Married couples have the benefit of the unlimited marital deduction, meaning they can gift during their lifetime or bequeath at death an unlimited amount of assets to their U.S. citizen surviving spouse without any gift or estate tax. For unmarried couples, different estate planning techniques need to be used to pass the maximum amount to partners tax free.

Check beneficiaries. After divorce and before a remarriage, check beneficiaries on 401(k)s, pensions, retirement accounts and life insurance policies, Power of Attorney and Health Care Power of Attorney documents. If you remarry, a prenup agreement or state law may require you to give some portion of your estate to your spouse, so have an estate planning attorney guide you through any changes. Couples should also check beneficiaries of life insurance and retirement plans.

Choose trustees wisely. Consider the advantages of a corporate trustee, who will be neutral and may prevent tensions with a newly blended family. If an outsider is named as an executor, or to act as a trustee, they may be able to minimize conflict. They’ll also have the professional knowledge and expertise with legal, tax and administrative complexities of administering estates and trusts.

These are just some of the major steps seniors should take before remarrying. Sit down and discuss the implications on you planning with your estate planning lawyer. If you would like to learn more about remarriage protection, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: MSN (Feb. 11, 2023) “Planning to remarry after a divorce? 6 tips to protect your financial future”

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Secure 2.0 Act has new features

SECURE 2.0 Act has New Features

SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 is an extension of the original SECURE Act, which was enacted in 2019, reports Forbes’ recent article, entitled “SECURE 2.0 Passes—Here’s What It Means To Your Retirement.” An American Retirement Association press release notes the Secure 2.0 Act has new features including:

  • A Starter 401(k)—that could provide more than 19 million new American workers with access to the workplace-based retirement system through a brand new super simple, safe harbor 401(k) plan
  • A 100% tax credit for new plans to incentivize the creation of new workplace retirement programs by small businesses; and
  • A Saver’s Match Program that would incentivize retirement savings by giving a 50% match on up to $2,000 in retirement savings annually for lower- and middle-income Americans.

About 108 million Americans would be eligible for the Saver’s Match that would be directly deposited into their retirement account—upping the savings of moderate-income earners.

“We are grateful to the many members of Congress and staff who worked tirelessly to get SECURE 2.0 included in the omnibus legislation enacted this week,” noted Brian Graff, CEO of the American Retirement Association in Washington, DC.

“This important legislation will enhance the retirement security of tens of millions of American workers—and for many of them, give them the opportunity for the first time to begin saving.”

The Pension Protection Act of 2006 first introduced the concept of automatic 401(k) enrollment. This shifted the then-current 401(k) practice of requiring workers to opt-in before being allowed to participate in their company’s 401(k) plan to requiring them to opt-out only if they did not want to participate.

The new legislation now has a number of provisions meant to encourage companies to create retirement savings plans for their workers.

For older workers who find themselves behind in their savings, SECURE 2.0 grants them higher “catch-up” provisions. The new features in the Secure 2.0 Act may be a benefit to you or your loved ones. If you would like to learn more about the SECURE Act, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Forbes (Dec. 23, 2022) “SECURE 2.0 Passes—Here’s What It Means To Your Retirement”

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Preparing an estate inventory is critical

Preparing an Estate Inventory is Critical

The executor’s job includes gathering all of the assets, determining the value and ownership of real estate, securities, bank accounts and any other assets and filing a formal inventory with the probate court. Preparing an estate inventory is critical to having a smooth probate. Every state has its own rules, forms and deadline for the process, says a recent article from yahoo! Finance titled “What Do I Need to Do to Prepare an Estate Inventory for Probate,” which recommends contacting a local estate planning attorney to get it right.

The inventory is used to determine the overall value of the estate. It’s also used to determine whether the estate is solvent, when compared to any claims of creditors for taxes, mortgages, or other debts. The inventory will also be used to calculate any estate or inheritance taxes owed by the estate to the state or federal government.

What is an estate asset? Anything anyone owned at the time of their death is the short answer. This includes:

  • Real estate: houses, condos, apartments, investment properties
  • Financial accounts: checking, savings, money market accounts
  • Investments: brokerage accounts, certificates of deposits, stocks, bonds
  • Retirement accounts: 401(k)s, HSAs, traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, pensions
  • Wages: Unpaid wages, unpaid commissions, un-exercised stock options
  • Insurance policies: life insurance or annuities
  • Vehicles: cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats
  • Business interests: any business holdings or partnerships
  • Debts/judgments: any personal loans to people or money received through court judgments

Preparing an estate inventory is critical for probate, but it may take some time. If the decedent hasn’t created an inventory and shared it with the executor, which would be the ideal situation, the executor may spend a great deal of time searching through desk drawers and filing cabinets and going through the mail for paper financial statements, if they exist.

If the estate includes real property owned in several states, this process becomes even more complex, as each state will require a separate probate process.

The court will not accept a simple list of items. For example, an inventory entry for real property will need to include the address, legal description of the property, copy of the deed and a fair market appraisal of the property by a professional appraiser.

Once all the assets are identified, the executor may need to use a state-specific inventory form for probate inventories. When completed, the executor files it with the probate court. An experienced estate planning attorney will be familiar with the process and be able to speed the process along without the learning curve needed by an inexperienced layperson.

Deadlines for filing the inventory also vary by state. Some probate judges may allow extensions, while other may not.

The executor has a fiduciary responsibility to the beneficiaries of the estate to file the inventory without delay. The executor is also responsible for paying off any debts or taxes and overseeing the distribution of any remaining assets to beneficiaries. It’s a large task, and one that will benefit from the help of an experienced estate planning attorney. If you would like to learn more about probate, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: yahoo! finance (Dec. 3, 2022) “What Do I Need to Do to Prepare an Estate Inventory for Probate”

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Managing your Inherited Retirement Account

Managing your Inherited Retirement Account

The SECURE Act of 2019 reset the game for IRAs and other tax deferred retirement accounts, says a recent article from Financial Advisor titled “IRAs, Taxes and Inheritance: Planning Becomes a Family Affair.”  Managing your inherited retirement account can be tricky. Prior to SECURE, investors paid ordinary income tax rates on withdrawals, whether they were voluntary or Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from these accounts, except for Roths. When individuals stopped working and their income dropped, so did the tax rate on their withdrawals. All was well.

Then the SECURE Act came along, with good intentions. The time period for payouts of IRAs and similar accounts after the death of the account owner changed. Non-spouse beneficiaries now have only 10 years to empty out the accounts, setting themselves up for potentially huge tax bills, possibly when their own incomes are at peak levels. What can be done?

Heirs of individual investors or couples with hefty IRAs and investment accounts are most likely to face consequences of the new tax regulations for RMDs and inheritances from the SECURE Act.

A widowed spouse faces the lower of either their own or the partner’s RMD rate—it’s tied to birth years. However, there is a pitfall: the widowed spouse files a single tax return, which cuts available deductions in half and changes tax brackets. Single or married, consider accelerating IRA withdrawals as soon as taxable income lowers early in retirement. Taking withdrawals from IRAs at this time voluntarily often means the ability to defer and as a result, optimize Social Security benefits to age 70.

For non-spousal beneficiaries of inherited IRAs, there’s no way around that 10-year rule. Their tax rates will depend on income, whether they file single or joint and any deductions available. If a beneficiary dies while the account still owns the assets, those assets may be subject to estate taxes, which are high.

Here’s where tax planning is could help. IRA owners may try to “equalize” inheritances among heirs with tax consequences in mind. For instance, a lower earning child could be the IRA beneficiary, while a higher earning child could receive assets from a brokerage account or Roth IRAs. Alternatively, an IRA owner could establish trusts or make charitable bequests to empty the IRAs before they become part of the estate.

Your estate planning attorney will help you create a road map for distributing IRA and other tax deferred assets based on the tax and timing for beneficiaries or what you want to fund after you pass.

Another strategy, if you don’t expect to exhaust your IRA assets in your lifetime, is to systematically withdraw money early in retirement to fund Roth IRAs, known as a Roth conversion. The advantage is simple: inherited Roth IRAs need to be drawn down in ten years, but the money isn’t taxable to beneficiaries.

Decumulation planning is complicated to do. However, your estate planning attorney will help you manage your inherited retirement account. He or she will evaluate your unique situation and create the optimal income sourcing plan for your family based on their assets, including taxable and tax-advantaged accounts, Social Security benefits, pensions, life insurance and annuities. If you would like to learn more about retirement accounts and estate planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Financial Advisor (Sep. 29, 2022) “IRAs, Taxes and Inheritance: Planning Becomes a Family Affair”

Photo by Mikhail Nilov


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Mistakes to Avoid with Beneficiary Designations

Many people don’t know that their will doesn’t control who inherits all of their assets when they die. Some assets pass by beneficiary designation. Assets like life insurance, annuities and retirement accounts all pass by beneficiary designation. There are mistakes to avoid with beneficiary designations.

Kiplinger’s recent article entitled “Beneficiary Designations: 5 Critical Mistakes to Avoid” lists five critical mistakes to avoid when dealing with your beneficiary designations:

  1. Failing to designate any beneficiary at all. Many people forget to name a beneficiary for retirement accounts or life insurance. They may forget, didn’t know they had to, or just never got around to filling out the forms. If you don’t name a beneficiary for life insurance or retirement accounts, the company will apply its rules about where the assets will go after you die. For life insurance, the proceeds will typically be paid to your probate estate. For retirement benefits, if you’re married, your spouse will most likely receive the assets. However, if you’re unmarried, the retirement account will likely be paid to your probate estate, which has negative income tax ramifications.
  2. Failing to consider special circumstances. Not every family member should get an asset directly. This includes minor children, those with specials needs and people who can’t manage assets or with creditor issues.
  3. Misspelling a beneficiary’s name. Beneficiary designation forms can be filled out incorrectly and the beneficiary designation form may not be specific. People also change their names through marriage or divorce, or assumptions can be made about a person’s legal name that later prove incorrect. Failing to have names match exactly can cause delays in payouts, and in a worst-case scenario of two people with similar names, it can result in a court case.
  4. Forgetting to update your beneficiaries. Your choice of beneficiary may likely change over time as circumstances change. Naming a beneficiary is part of an overall estate plan, and just as life changes, so should your estate plan. Beneficiary designations are an important part of that plan—make certain that they’re updated regularly.
  5. Failing to review beneficiary choices with legal and financial advisers. How beneficiary designations should be completed is a component of an overall financial and estate plan. Involve your legal and financial advisers to determine what’s best for your circumstances. Note that beneficiary designations are designed to guarantee that you have the ultimate say over who will get your assets when you pass away. Taking the time to carefully (and correctly) choose your beneficiaries and then periodically reviewing those choices and making any necessary updates will allow you to remain in control of your money.

Your estate planning attorney will help you avoid any mistakes with your beneficiary designations, and make sure your choices are in line with your overall estate plan. If you would like to learn more about beneficiary designations, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Kiplinger (June 6, 2022) “Beneficiary Designations: 5 Critical Mistakes to Avoid”

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