Category: POD

What If a Beneficiary Dies Before Receiving an Inheritance?

What If a Beneficiary Dies Before Receiving an Inheritance?

Estate plans are designed to distribute assets according to the wishes of the deceased. So what if a beneficiary dies before receiving an inheritance? Complications arise when a named beneficiary dies before receiving their inheritance. Depending on the terms of the will, the existence of a contingent beneficiary and state probate laws, the inheritance may be reassigned, redirected, or absorbed back into the estate.

Factors that Determine What Happens to Inheritance

Many well-prepared estate plans account for the possibility of a beneficiary predeceasing the testator (the person creating the will). These plans typically include contingent beneficiaries, who receive the inheritance if the primary beneficiary is no longer alive.

1. Does the Will or Trust Have a Contingency Plan?

For example, if a will states:
“I leave my home to my son, John, but if he predeceases me, the home shall pass to my granddaughter, Sarah.”

In this case, Sarah, the contingent beneficiary, would inherit the home. The inheritance may follow default legal rules if no contingent beneficiary is named.

2. The Role of Anti-Lapse Laws

Many states have anti-lapse statutes that automatically redirect an inheritance to the deceased beneficiary’s descendants if no alternate beneficiary is named. These laws prevent an inheritance from becoming part of the residual estate.

For instance, if a father leaves an inheritance to his son, but the son dies before him, an anti-lapse statute may ensure the son’s children receive the inheritance instead. However, these laws typically apply only to direct family members, such as children or siblings, and may not cover more distant relatives or unrelated beneficiaries.

3. How Trusts Handle a Beneficiary’s Death

If an inheritance is placed in a trust, the trust document will govern what happens when a beneficiary dies. Many trusts name successor beneficiaries to take over the deceased beneficiary’s share.

For example, in a revocable living trust, assets may be divided among multiple children, with instructions that if one child dies, their share passes to their own children (the grantor’s grandchildren). If no successor beneficiary is named, the assets may be distributed according to the trust’s default terms or state law.

4. What Happens If No Contingent Beneficiary Exists?

If a deceased beneficiary was the sole heir and no contingent beneficiary is named, the inheritance may return to the estate’s residual beneficiaries – those who inherit any remaining assets after specific bequests are made. If no such beneficiaries exist, assets are typically distributed according to intestacy laws, which vary by state.

Under intestacy laws, assets are generally distributed to the deceased’s closest living relatives, such as spouses, children, or siblings. The estate may eventually escheat to the state if no heirs can be located.

5. Special Considerations for Spouses and Joint Ownership

  • Jointly Owned Property with Survivorship Rights: This property type automatically transfers to the surviving co-owner if one owner dies. This often applies to real estate, bank accounts, or investments held as joint tenants.
  • Community Property Laws: In certain states, these laws may influence how a deceased spouse’s assets are distributed. If the deceased beneficiary was a spouse, their estate share may follow marital property laws.

Steps Executors Should Take If a Beneficiary Dies

If a named beneficiary passes away before receiving their inheritance, the estate executor must:

  1. Review the will or trust to determine if a contingent beneficiary is named.
  2. Check state anti-lapse laws to see if the deceased beneficiary’s children or heirs inherit their share.
  3. Identify residual beneficiaries if no direct heirs are listed.
  4. Distribute the inheritance accordingly, either to another named beneficiary or through intestate succession.
  5. Consult a probate attorney if the estate’s distribution remains unclear or disputed.

How to Prevent Issues in Your Estate Plan

To avoid complications when a beneficiary dies before receiving their inheritance, consider these estate planning best practices:

  • Regularly update your will or trust to reflect changes in family dynamics.
  • Name contingent beneficiaries for all major assets to ensure a clear inheritance path.
  • Use a trust to create structured distributions that automatically account for beneficiary changes.
  • Review state laws to understand how anti-lapse statutes and intestacy rules may impact estate distribution.

Ensuring a Smooth Transition

An estate plan should be flexible enough to adapt to life’s uncertainties, including the unexpected passing of a beneficiary. By including clear contingencies and understanding inheritance laws, you can ensure that assets pass efficiently to the intended heirs without unnecessary legal challenges. If you would like to learn more about beneficiaries, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: SmartAsset (June 21, 2023) “What Happens to an Inheritance If a Beneficiary Has Died?

Photo by August de Richelieu


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Estate Planning When You’re Single

Estate Planning When You’re Single

Estate planning when you’re single can be daunting when there is no one to assist you. For one woman, the wake-up call arrived when listening to a friend explain all the tasks she needed to perform for her 91-year-old mother, whose needs were increasing rapidly. Solo agers, people who are growing older without spouses, adult children, or other family members, are now a significant part of the older population, says the article “Going Solo: How to Plan for Retirement When You’re on Your Own” from The New York Times.

Seniors who are married or have adult children have many of the same retirement planning issues as their solo ager counterparts. However, figuring out the answers requires different solutions. Managing future healthcare issues, where to live and how to ensure that retirement savings lasts needs a different approach.

Options must be addressed sooner rather than later. Estate planning is a core part of the plan. While you can’t plan everything, you can anticipate and prepare for certain events.

Determining who you can count on in a healthcare crisis and to handle your financial and legal issues is key. This is challenging when no obvious answers exist. However, it should not be avoided. You’ll need an estate plan with advance directives to convey your wishes for medical treatment and end-of-life care.

An estate planning attorney will help draw up a Power of Attorney, so someone of your choice can step in to make legal and financial issues if you become incapacitated. You’ll also want a Healthcare Proxy to name a person who can make medical decisions on your behalf if you can’t communicate your wishes. While it’s comfortable to name a trusted friend, what would happen if they aren’t able to serve? A younger person you know and trust is a better choice for this role.

A Last Will and Testament is needed to establish your wishes for distributing property. Your will is also used to name an executor who administers the will. Think about people you trust who are a generation or two younger than you, like a niece or nephew or the adult child of someone you know well. You’ll need to talk with them about taking on this role; don’t spring it on them after you’ve passed. Just because someone is named an executor doesn’t mean they have to accept the role.

Where you age matters. From safety and socialization standpoints, aging alone in a single-family home may not be the best option. Having a strong network of friends is important for the solo ager. Moving to a planned community with various support systems may be better than aging in place. Explore other housing options while you are still able to live on your own, so you can make an informed choice if and when the time comes for community living.

Estate planning when you’re single doesn’t have to be a headache. A combination of professional help will make the solo aging journey better. An experienced estate planning attorney, financial advisor and health insurance source can help you navigate the legal and business side of your life. Check with your town’s senior center for available social services and activities resources. If you would like to learn more about planning as a single person, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The New York Times (Sept. 21, 2024) “Going Solo: How to Plan for Retirement When You’re on Your Own”

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Managing Debt after Death can be a Challenge for Heirs

Managing Debt after Death can be a Challenge for Heirs

Part of estate planning is considering how future repayment of debts, both owed to the person and debts they are responsible for, will impact inheritances received by beneficiaries. A recent article from Lake County News, “Estate Planning: Debts and Estate Planning,” explains how the process works. Managing debt after death can be a challenge for heirs.

Assets passing to a beneficiary directly, outside of probate, are not typically subject to paying a decedent’s debts. These are life insurance proceeds, joint tenancy assets, Payable on Death (POD) and Transfer on Death (TOD), to name a few.

The estate plan must consider how much debt exists and how it might be paid. One approach is to purchase life insurance made payable to the trust estate.

A person may specifically gift real property, which would be subject to repaying an outstanding debt, like a mortgage.

If the beneficiary who would otherwise receive the residence takes it subject to repaying the secured debt, other assets in the estate would need to be reduced to pay the debt.

This should be addressed when the estate plan is created and must be expressly documented. If not addressed, the default rule is that any secured debt goes with the gift. It’s not likely to have been the plan. However, this is how the law works.

Third, parents and children may loan money between themselves. This is usually between parent and child.

Such family debts merit attention during estate planning. For example, parents may wish to loan money to a child to pay higher education costs, to buy a home, or to launch a business.

Upon the death of the parent, should any unpaid balance be repaid by the child to the parent’s estate, or should the child’s debt be forgiven? This must also be clearly stated in the will or trust, whatever is relevant.

If the parent wishes the child to pay the unpaid balance, the debt obligation and its payment history must be in writing and updated. The debt may be assigned to the parent’s trust and enforced by the successor trustee.

At death, the unpaid balance would need to be added back into the estate’s value to arrive at the correct gross value necessary to assess each share of the total estate.

The unpaid balance is usually subtracted from the debtor’s share.

Children might also be owed money from a parent. For example, the adult child might provide at-home personal care services to their parent, or money may be lent to help with the parent’s cost of living. The debt and repayment history also needs to be in writing and updated regularly.

Debt must be acknowledged, and the means of repaying the debt must be made clear. Managing debt after death can be a challenge for heirs. An estate planning attorney will help document and build repayment into the estate plan. If you would like to learn more about probate and trust administration, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Lake Country News (April 29, 2023) “Estate Planning: Debts and Estate Planning”

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TODs can Derail an Estate Plan if not Coordinated

TODs can Derail an Estate Plan if not Coordinated

Transfer on-Death (TOD) and Payable-on-Death (POD) designations on financial accounts appear to be a simple way to avoid probate. However, TODs can still derail an estate plan if not coordinated with the overall plan, says a recent article from mondaq, “Transfer-on-Death Designations: A Word of Warning.”

Using a TOD or POD benefits the beneficiary and the account administrator, since both avoid unnecessary delays and court oversight of probate. In addition, designating a beneficiary on a TOD/POD account is usually fairly straightforward. Many financial institutions ask account owners to name a beneficiary whenever a new account is opened. However, the potential for undoing an estate plan can happen in several ways.

TOD/POD designations remove assets from the probate estate. If family members or trusts are included in an estate plan, but the TOD/POD designations direct most of the decedent’s assets to beneficiaries, the provisions of the estate plan may not be implemented. However, when thoughtfully prepared in tandem with the rest of the estate plan with an estate planning attorney, TOD/POD can be used effectively.

TOD/POD designations impact tax planning. For example, when an estate plan includes sophisticated tax planning, such as credit shelter trusts, marital trusts, or generation-skipping transfer (GST) trusts, a TOD/POD designation could prevent the implementation of these strategies.

If an estate plan provides for the creation of a GST trust, but the decedent’s financial account has a TOD/POD naming individuals, the assets will not pass to the intended trust under the terms of the estate plan. In addition to contradicting the estate plan, such a mistake can lead to unused tax exemptions.

TOD/POD designations can create liquidity problems in an estate. For example, suppose all or substantially all of an individual’s financial accounts pass by TOD/POD, leaving only illiquid assets, such as real estate or closely held business interests in the estate. In that case, the estate may not have enough cash to pay estate expenses or federal or estate taxes. If this occurs, the executor may need to recover necessary funds from the beneficiaries of TOD/POD accounts.

TOD/POD designations can undermine changes made to an estate plan. During the course of life, people’s circumstances and relationships change. It is easy to forget to update TOD/POD designations, especially if one’s estate planning attorney is not informed of assets being titled this way. An inadvertent omission increases the risk that a person’s wishes will not be fulfilled upon death.

Whenever considering putting a TOD/POD on a financial account, you must consider the impact doing so will have on your overall estate plan. Therefore, be sure the TOD is coordinated with your estate plan so you do not derail all the excellent planning that has been done to achieve your wishes. If you would like to learn more about TODs or PODS and how the interact with your planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: mondaq (March 15, 2023) “Transfer-on-Death Designations: A Word of Warning”

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Avoid Leaving Residual Assets Behind

Avoid Leaving Residual Assets Behind

This is also known as estate residue or residual estate. It simply means the assets left over after a will has been read, assets have been distributed to heirs and any final expenses have been paid. An estate planning attorney can help avoid leaving residual assets behind, with a comprehensive estate plan, reports a recent article titled “How to Write a Residuary Estate Clause in a Will” from yahoo!

A will is a legal document used to name guardians for minor children and providing directions for how you want assets to be distributed when you pass. Any assets not included in your will or distributed through a trust automatically become part of the residuary estate on your death.

This can happen deliberately or unintentionally. For example, your will can state your wishes to have certain assets left to certain people. However, your will could also include a residual estate clause explaining what should happen to any assets not already named in the will. In this case, you’re intentionally creating a residual estate, and planning for it at the time of the will’s creation.

Some residual estates are created without advance planning. Here’s how that happens:

  • If you forget to include assets in your will.
  • If you acquired new assets after drafting a will and do not add a codicil making provision for the distribution of the assets.
  • Someone named in the will dies before you or is unable to receive the inheritance you left for them.

This can also happen if you set up a Payable On Death (POD) account but neglect to add a beneficiary to the account. Any funds in the account would be lumped into the residual estate.

What happens if you draft a will and don’t have a residuary estate clause? Any unclaimed or overlooked assets will be distributed, according to your state’s inheritance guidelines. However, this is only done after any estate taxes, outstanding debts or final expenses have been paid. Assets would be distributed as if you did not have a will. Heirs at law would receive assets according to kinship, including spouse, children, parents, siblings and other relatives.

How does a trust work in relation to a residual estate? Trusts are legal entities allowing you to transfer assets to a trustee. The trustee is responsible for managing assets on behalf of the trust for beneficiaries according to your wishes. You may want to establish a trust if you have a substantial estate, want to plan for a family member with special needs or if you wish to create a charitable giving legacy.

Speak with an experienced estate planning attorney to avoid leaving residual assets behind. Your attorney will determine whether your will should have a residual clause and what assets should be included. They will also be able to determine whether you need additional estate planning strategies, including a revocable living trust. If you would like to learn more about drafting a Will or Trust, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: yahoo! (Dec. 4, 2022) “How to Write a Residuary Estate Clause in a Will”

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Steps to Ensure a Smooth Probate

Steps to Ensure a Smooth Probate

What can you do to help heirs have a smooth transition when settling your estate? Probate can be a costly and time consuming process. There are steps you can take to ensure a smooth probate. A recent article from The Community Voice, “Managing probate when setting up your estate,” provides some recommendations.

Joint accounts. Married couples can own property as joint tenancy, which includes a right of survivorship. When one of the spouses dies, the other becomes the owner and the asset doesn’t have to go through probate. In some states, this is called tenancy by the entirety, in which married spouses each own an undivided interest in the whole property with the right of survivorship. They need content from the other spouse to transfer their ownership interest in the property. Some states allow community property with right of survivorship.

There are some vulnerabilities to joint ownership. A potential heir could claim the account is not a “true” joint account, but a “convenience” account whereby the second account owner was added solely for financial expediency. The joint account arrangement with right of survivorship may also not align with the estate plan.

Payment on Death (POD) and Transfer on Death (TOD) accounts. These types of accounts allow for easy transfer of bank accounts and securities. If the original owner lives, the named beneficiary has no right to claim account funds. When the original owner dies, all the named beneficiary need do is bring proper identification and proof of the owner’s death to claim the assets. This also needs to align with the estate plan to ensure that it achieves the testator’s wishes.

Gifting strategies. In 2022, taxpayers may gift up to $16,000 to as many people as you wish before owing taxes. This is a straight-forward way to reduce the taxable estate. Gifts over $ 16,000 may be subject to federal gift tax and count against your lifetime gift tax exclusion. The lifetime individual gift tax exemption is currently at $12.06 million, although few Americans need worry about this level.

Revocable living trusts. Trusts are used to take assets out of the taxable estate and place them in a separate legal entity having specific directions for asset distributions. A living trust, established during your lifetime, can hold whatever assets you want. A “pour-over will” may be used to add additional assets to the trust at death, although the assets “poured over” into the trust at death are still subject to probate.

The trust owns the assets. However, with a revocable living trust, the grantor (the person who created the trust) has full control of the assets. When the grantor dies, the trust becomes an irrevocable trust and assets are distributed by a successor trustee without being probated. This provides privacy for the beneficiary and saves on court costs.

Trusts are not for do-it-yourselfers. An experienced estate planning attorney is needed to create the trust and ensure that it follows complex tax rules and regulations. Taking the steps needed to ensure you have a smooth probate process will give you peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about the probate process, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: The Community Voice (Nov. 11, 2022) “Managing probate when setting up your estate”

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya


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Ways to Minimize Your Probate Estate

Ways to Minimize Your Probate Estate

Having a properly prepared estate plan is especially important if you have minor children who would need a guardian, are part of a blended family, are unmarried in a committed relationship or have complicated family dynamics—especially those with drama. There are ways you can protect your loved ones, and minimize your probate estate, as described in the article “Try these steps to minimize your probate estate” from the Indianapolis Business Journal.

Probate is the process through which debts are paid and assets are divided after a person passes away. There will be probate of an estate whether or not a will and estate plan was done, but with no careful planning, there will be added emotional strain, costs and challenges left to your family.

Dying with no will, known as “intestacy,” means the state’s laws will determine who inherits your possessions subject to probate. Depending on where you live, your spouse could inherit everything, or half of everything, with the rest equally divided among your children. If you have no children and no spouse, your parents may inherit everything. If you have no children, spouse or living parents, the next of kin might be your heir. An estate planning attorney can make sure your will directs the distribution of your property.

Probate is the process giving someone you designate in your will—the executor—the authority to inventory your assets, pay debts and taxes and eventually transfer assets to heirs. In an estate, there are two types of assets—probate and non-probate. Only assets subject to the probate process need go through probate. All other assets pass directly to new owners, without involvement of the court or becoming part of the public record.

Many people embark on estate planning to avoid having their assets pass through probate. This may be because they don’t want anyone to know what they own, they don’t want creditors or estranged family members to know what they own, or they simply want to enhance their privacy. An estate plan is used to take assets out of the estate and place them under ownership to retain privacy.

Some of the ways to remove assets from the probate process are:

Living trusts. Assets are moved into the trust, which means the title of ownership must change. There are pros and cons to using a living trust, which your estate planning attorney can review with you.

Beneficiary designations. Retirement accounts, investment accounts and insurance policies are among the assets with a named beneficiary. These assets can go directly to beneficiaries upon your death. Make sure your named beneficiaries are current.

Payable on Death (POD) or Transferable on Death (TOD) accounts. It sounds like a simple solution to own many accounts and assets jointly. However, it has its own challenges. If you wished any of the assets in a POD or TOD account to go to anyone else but the co-owner, there’s no way to enforce your wishes.

An experienced, local estate planning attorney will be the best resource to minimize your probate estate. If there is no estate plan, an administrator may be appointed by the court and the entire distribution of your assets will be done under court supervision. This takes longer and will include higher court costs. If you are interested in learning more about the probate process, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Indianapolis Business Journal (Aug. 26,2022) “Try these steps to minimize your probate estate”

Photo by Askar Abayev from Pexels


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The Risks of Creating Your Own Estate Plan

The Risks of Creating Your Own Estate Plan

Everyone should have an estate plan and it is wise to consult an estate planning attorney to create your plan. But not everyone wants to take the time. Some even feel they can do it just fine themselves. We call it the brother-in-law syndrome: your brother-in-law knows everything, even though he doesn’t. He tells anyone who’ll listen how much money he’s saved by doing things himself. Sadly, it’s the family who has to make things right after the do-it-yourself estate plan fails. This is the message from a recent article titled “Dangers of Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning” from Coastal Breeze News. It is vital that you understand the risks of creating your own estate plan.

Online estate planning documents are dangerous for what they leave out. An estate plan prepared by an experienced estate planning attorney takes care of the individual while they are living, as well as taking care of distributing assets after they die. Many online forms are available. However, they are often limited to wills, and an estate plan is far more than a last will and testament.

An estate planning attorney knows you need a will, power of attorney, health care power of attorney, a living will and possibly trusts. These are essential protections needed but often overlooked by the do-it-yourselfer.

A Power of Attorney allows you to name a person to manage your personal affairs, if you are incapacitated. It allows your agent to handle your banking, investments, pay bills and take care of your property. There is no one-size-fits-all Power of Attorney. You may wish to give a spouse the power to take over most of your accounts. However, you might also want someone else to be in charge of selling your shares in a business. A Power of Attorney drafted by an estate planning attorney will be created to suit your unique needs. POAs also vary by state, so one purchased online may not be valid in your jurisdiction.

You also need a Health Care Power of Attorney or a Health Care Surrogate. This is a person named to make medical decisions for you, if you are too sick or injured to do so. These documents also vary by state,. There’s no guarantee that a general form will be accepted by a healthcare provider. An estate planning attorney will create a valid document.

A Living Will is, and should be, a very personalized document to reflect your wishes for end-of-life care. Some people don’t want any measures taken to keep them alive if they are in a vegetative state, for instance, while others want to be kept alive as long as there is evidence of brain activity. Using a standard form negates your ability to make your wishes known.

If the Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney or Living Will documents are not prepared properly, declared invalid or are missing, the family will need to go to court to obtain a guardianship, which is the legal right to make decisions on your behalf. Guardianships are expensive and intrusive. If your incapacity is temporary, you’ll need to undo the guardianship when you are recovered. Otherwise, you have no legal rights to conduct your own life.

DIYers are also fond of setting up property and accounts so they are Payable on Death (POD) or Transfer on Death (TOD) accounts. This only works if the beneficiaries outlive the original owner. If the beneficiary dies first, then the asset goes to the beneficiary’s children. Many financial institutions won’t actually allow certain accounts to be set up this way.

Another risk of creating your own estate plan: real estate. Putting children on the title as owners with rights of survivorship sounds like a reasonable solution. However, if the children predecease the original owner, their children will be rightful owners. If one grandchild doesn’t want to sell the property and another grandchild does, things can turn ugly and expensive. If heirs of any generation have creditors, liens may be placed on the property and no sale can happen until the liens are satisfied.

With all of these sleight of hand attempts at DIY estate planning comes the end all of all problems: taxes.

When children are added to a title, it is considered a gift and the children’s ownership interest is taxed as if they bought into the property for what the parent spent. When the parent dies and the estate is settled, the children have to pay income taxes on the difference between their basis and what the property sells for. It is better if the children inherit the property, as they’d get a step-up in basis and avoid the income tax problem.

Finally, there’s the business of putting all the assets into one child’s name, with the handshake agreement they’ll do the right thing when the time comes. There’s no legal recourse if the child decides not to share according to the parent’s verbal agreement.

Don’t take the risk of creating your own estate plan. A far easier, less complicated answer is to make an appointment with an estate planning attorney, have the correct documents created properly and walk away when your brother-in-law starts talking. If you would like to learn more about the risks of DIY planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Coastal Breeze News (Aug. 4, 2022) “Dangers of Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning”

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko


The Estate of The Union Season 2, Episode 2 – The Consumer's Guide to Dying is out now!


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Several Ways to Avoid Probate

Several Ways to Avoid Probate

Probate can tie up the estate for months and be an added expense. It can be a financial and emotional nightmare if you have not planned ahead. Some states have a streamlined process for less valuable estates, but probate still has delays, extra expense and work for the estate administrator. A probated estate is also a public record anyone can review. There are, however, several ways to avoid probate.

Forbes’ recent article entitled “7 Ways To Avoid Probate Without A Living Trust” says that avoiding probate often is a big estate planning goal. You can structure the estate so that all or most of it passes to your loved ones without this process.

A living trust is the most well-known way to avoid probate. However, retirement accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k)s, avoid probate. The beneficiary designation on file with the account administrator or trustee determines who inherits them. Likewise, life insurance benefits and annuities are distributed to the beneficiaries named in the contract.

Joint accounts and joint title are ways to avoid probate. Married couples can own real estate or financial accounts through joint tenancy with right of survivorship. The surviving spouse automatically takes full title after the other spouse passes away. Non-spouses also can establish joint title, like when a senior creates a joint account with an adult child at a financial institution. The child will automatically inherit the account when the parent passes away without probate. If the parent cannot manage his or her affairs at some point, the child can manage the finances without the need for a power of attorney.

Note that all joint owners have equal rights to the property. A joint owner can take withdrawals without the consent of the other. Once joint title is established you cannot sell, give or dispose of the property without the consent of the other joint owner.

A transfer on death provision (TOD) is another vehicle to avoid probate. You might come across the traditional term Totten trust, which is another name for a TOD or POD account (but there is no trust involved). After the original owner passes away, the TOD account is transferred to the beneficiary or changed to his or her name, once the financial institution gets the death certificate.

You can name multiple beneficiaries and specify the percentage of the account each will inherit. However, beneficiaries under a TOD have no rights in or access to the account while the owner is alive. An estate planning attorney will be able to identify several ways for you to avoid a costly probate. If you would like to read more about probate, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Forbes (March 28, 2022) “7 Ways To Avoid Probate Without A Living Trust”



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