Category: Postnup

How to Leave an Inheritance to Your Child but Not Their Spouse

How to Leave an Inheritance to Your Child but Not Their Spouse

As a parent, you’ve likely spent years building up your savings and assets, hoping to leave a legacy for your children. However, one concern many parents have is ensuring that the inheritance they pass on stays with their child and doesn’t end up benefiting a spouse. Whether out of love for your children or worrying about future divorces, it’s natural to consider inheritance planning strategies to safeguard your hard-earned assets. If you are concerned about your child’s relationship, you will want to learn how to leave an inheritance to your child but not their spouse.

A trust is one of the most common and effective ways to ensure that your child is the sole benefactor of their inheritance. By setting up a trust, you control how and when your assets are distributed. A trust can be created now while you’re still alive or can take effect upon your passing.

You can name the trust as the beneficiary of your retirement accounts, life insurance, or other assets. The trustee, a person you designate, will follow your instructions regarding when and how the money or property is given to your child.

While prenuptial agreements used to carry a certain stigma, that is no longer the case. These agreements have become more common, especially among younger generations. A prenuptial agreement is signed before marriage and details how a couple’s financial matters will be handled in case of a divorce.

If your child is open to the idea, they can use a prenuptial agreement to protect their future inheritance. This legal document can specify which assets belong to your child, preventing a spouse from making any claims.

If your child is already married, safeguarding their inheritance is still an option. A postnuptial agreement works similarly to a prenuptial agreement but is signed after the wedding. This document can outline which assets, including future inheritances, will remain separate in the event of a divorce.

Discussing a postnuptial agreement might feel tricky, as it requires open communication between your child and their spouse. However, it can be essential for ensuring that your child’s financial future remains protected.

While legal strategies like trusts, prenuptial agreements and postnuptial agreements are essential to inheritance planning, financial tools also play a role. Working with a trusted estate planning professional who provides the legal competence and the knowledge to examine your complete financial background can help you evaluate the best way to structure your assets and accounts to minimize potential risks. They can guide you on which accounts to designate for inheritance and which might be more vulnerable to claims in a divorce.

If you’re ready to protect your child’s financial future, an estate planning attorney will show you how to leave an inheritance to your child, but not their spouse. If you would like to learn more about inheritance planning, please visit our previous posts. 

Reference: Northwestern Mutual (Apr. 22, 2022) “Can I Leave Money to My Kids But Not Their Spouses?

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Addressing your Estate Planning during Divorce is Critical

When estate planning dovetails with divorce, existing plans need to be redesigned. How much depends on the nature of the divorce, as explained by a recent article from Accounting Today, “Estate planning for divorcing couples.” Spousal rights, beneficiary designations, child custody and property distribution all need to be examined, as well as the distribution of property in the estate plan. Addressing your estate planning during a divorce is critical.

If this is your situation, you’ll need a team of professionals who can work well together. Your estate planning attorney, accountant and divorce attorney will need to be in frequent contact, as so many of these areas overlap. You’ll want to ensure that your separation agreement and estate plan complement each other. Anticipating potential challenges and obstacles in advance is crucial.

Here are a few aspects to consider:

If your estate planning attorney worked with you and the person you are divorcing, they will want to be clear about who they represent for the new estate plan. If it’s an amenable divorce, the estate planning attorney may recommend a respected colleague to help the other spouse.

The same scenario must be considered for the accountant. Did they interface with one spouse more than the other? If a joint return was filed in the past, which spouse would they work with during the divorce and afterward? An accountant’s involvement in an estate plan during the divorce process may be critical to ensuring that there are no discrepancies in the financials.

Beneficiary designations need to be revisited since, in most cases, spouses name each other as beneficiaries. Updating the beneficiary designation will avoid further complications in distributing the assets if something occurs to one of the spouses while the divorce is in process. Beneficiaries only change when the owner of the account actively makes the change. Your soon-to-be-ex may inherit everything if you don’t change the account beneficiary.

Estate planning involves guardianship for minor children, and divorce typically addresses child custody, support and inheritance. If one of the parents dies, who would get custody of the children? How will they be supported? Life insurance may be part of the separation agreement, where the ex-spouse will still be the beneficiary, so funds may be used to support the minor children.

Couples in the process of divorcing may not create new trusts until the divorce proceedings have been finalized. However, suppose trusts were established as part of estate planning before the divorce. In that case, they may be considered marital or separate property, depending on the source of the assets in the trust. This is a conversation to have with your estate planning attorney.

Addressing your estate planning during a divorce is critical. With the guidance of an experienced estate planning attorney, accountant and divorce attorney, it is possible to move through the tumult and begin the next chapter with some peace of mind. If you would like to learn more about planning during or after a divorce, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Accounting Today (July 5, 2024) “Estate planning for divorcing couples”

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Protecting Inheritances in a Blended Family

Protecting Inheritances in a Blended Family

Blended families have estate planning challenges differing from traditional families, explains a recent article from The Record Courier, “Estate Planning for Blended Families.” A blended family is one where one or both partners have children from a prior marriage. The details vary, but the concern is the same: the possibility for the children to be disinherited if after one spouse dies, the surviving spouse reduces or eliminates any provisions made for the deceased spouse’s children. Protecting inheritances in a blended family becomes a major priority.

A well-drafted estate plan, created by an experienced estate planning attorney, can address this issue to ensure that the deceased spouse’s children are protected and provided for after the death of their parent.

When creating the estate plan, consider what would happen if the surviving spouse remarried. This frames the drafting process in an optimal way for the children. Provisions should be made to protect them and a number of strategies may be used.

A simple last will and testament or even a revocable trust with no provisions typically won’t be enough to address the complex needs of a blended family. When the first spouse dies, the surviving spouse remains free to change the terms of their will, which could place the children of the deceased spouse at a disadvantage.

Designating an independent fiduciary can help ensure that the children of the deceased spouse have sufficient assets. The independent fiduciary can protect the children’s interests with no risk of self-dealing. An oversight by an independent fiduciary also minimizes the chances of conflict between children and stepparents.

A properly designed estate plan protects the children of both parents, regardless of which spouse dies first. One commonly-used strategy is to create a trust leaving the assets to the surviving spouse during the spouse’s lifetime but then passes the remaining assets to the children of the deceased spouse.

Another option is to divide the estate upon the death of the first spouse, with half the estate protected for the children of the deceased spouse. The surviving spouse has access to those assets for certain needs. However, limitations may be put into place. This is applicable if the two partners bring assets of equal size to the marriage.

In some cases, the strategy to ensure that children receive the assets intended for them upon their parent’s death is to leave them to the children outside of the trust, passing them directly by naming the children as designated beneficiaries on select accounts and/or life insurance policies.

If the children are minors, creating a separate trust may be an optimal means of protecting inheritances in a blended family.

A premarital or post-nuptial agreement is also used to clarify the rights and responsibilities of each spouse during the marriage and can also be used to specify the children’s living situation and expenses and require assets to be used to maintain their standard of living.

With mindful and comprehensive estate planning, couples can leave a financial legacy for all of their children, while still providing for surviving spouses. If you would like to learn more about blended families, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: The Record Courier (March 12, 2023) “Estate Planning for Blended Families”

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Situations That Might Prompt a Post-Nup

Situations That Might Prompt a Post-Nup

Vigour Times’ recent article entitled “Here’s Why Married Couples Might Want To Sign A Postnuptial Agreement” looks at the situations that might prompt a couple to prepare a post-nup.

For example, married couples may need to adjust a pre-nup they signed before they were married. They want to make certain the new terms are based on the things that have occurred since that time.

Changes in marital dynamics can trigger a change in the terms of a pre-nup. For instance, couples may not have thought that one spouse would begin to earn a lot more than the other or that, as the marriage endured over time, greater trust grew between the partners.

A post-nup may also come into play when a couple is thinking about divorce but still trying to work things out. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 10 years as many as 43% of first marriages can fail.

Because divorcing sooner rather than later could be more advantageous to one of the spouses,  a couple’s agreement may say the marriage ended as of the date of the post-nup for purposes of calculating alimony and property division, should efforts to repair a marriage be unsuccessful.

There are circumstances when a post-nup is needed to work around state laws to allow one spouse to leave the other one less than what is required by state law.

Many people don’t know that once they’re married, state law usually gives their spouse a minimum percentage of the estate, even if the deceased spouse tried to leave it to someone else. One example of this is where a person in a second marriage wants to leave all their assets to children from a previous marriage.

Ask an experienced estate planning attorney to make sure the plan is consistent with the estate documents, especially as to trusts.

There also may be external situations, such as a future change in wealth, that might prompt a post-nup. For instance, in the event of a potential inheritance, for example, an heir — or the relatives leaving the assets — may insist on a post-nup, so the wealth will stay on their side of the family and not be included in any possible divorce negotiations. If you are interested in learning more about pre and post-nups, please visit our previous posts.

Reference: Vigour Times (Nov. 27, 2022) “Here’s Why Married Couples Might Want To Sign A Postnuptial Agreement”

The Estate of The Union Season 2|Episode 4 – How To Give Yourself a Charitable Gift is out now!


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