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The Peace of Mind People®

About Marlene Rodriguez

Funding Coordinator

Marlene Rodriguez is a Funding Coordinator at Texas Trust Law.  She is very excited to begin her career with a respectable community of professionals. Marlene attended St. Edwards University where she received her B.A in Communication.

Marlene is a passionate Star Wars fan, and when not immersed in the far far away galaxy, she spends her time gaming with friends conquering different video games. She also strength training in the gym and working towards her fitness goals.

LifePlanning Legal Services™ is Texas Trust Law’s unique estate planning process. LifePlanning™ addresses issues that cause many estate plans to fail to attain their original goals, such as out-of-date documents, a failure to coordinate your assets with your estate plan and little knowledge about fees. LifePlanning™ insures regular, systematic updating of your plan for both personal and legal changes, total synchronization of assets with the plan and fixed, fully disclosed fees. Please visit Practice Areas to learn more.

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